Proven Water Treatment Solution

Chlorine Dioxide for Purification of Water


We are an Indonesian company, which providing sustainable chemistry solutions to a wide array of industries. We  develop hygiene formulations and manufacture for supply.

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Our Products delivers a new concept and method of (drinking) water disinfection, focusing on the active component of chlorine dioxide.

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Our products are widely used in both large and small-scale industrial and commercial applications, where a potent but ecologically and environmentally friendly biocide is required.

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Possible Industries to Apply Our Products

Our products for your water treatment solution

Chlorine (CL2) vs Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2)

Chlorine sebagai desinfektan air akan bereakasi dengan zat-zat organik dalam air dan menghasilkan produk sampingan yang bersifat karsinogenik. Chlorine dioxide tidak berbahaya dan tidak menyebabkan iritasi pada organ tubuh karena chlorine dioxide tidak bereaksi dengan amonia dan zat...

PT. Trixagon Indonesia

Phone: +62 812 3560 186
Location: Surabaya, Indonesia

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